| Chamber Music Salon

Christmas with Doris

Works by H. Purcell, T. Merula, J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel and others

Combo CAM © Simon Chmel

-Music at the Handel House-

Christmas with Doris

Combo CAM

Friederike Merkel (recorders)

Babett Niclas (baroque harp)

Martin Steuber (baroque guitar, theorbo, lute)

Antje Nürnberger-Malkowski (baroque cello)

Hannes Malkowski (percussion)

Stefan Kahle (vocals)

Christine Steuber (Conférencière Doris Meeresbüchner)

Venue: Handel House, Chamber Music Salon

Ticket Preise:

15,00 € / reduced 10,00 €

Combo CAM

Doris Meeresbüchner is on a delicate mission together with Combo CAM. But this time their mission actually sounds quite harmless: "W.W.-Christmas Care Worldwide!" But anyone who thinks of tips for clean upholstery and carpets during Advent is completely wrong. Mrs. Meeresbüchner has a substantially more serious topic in the sense: For years an increasing forgetting of the classical christmas traditions is to be deplored in our society. It is therefore important to bring back to people a real awareness of the design of what is probably officially the most festive celebration of love. This can sometimes lead to highly explosive, almost criminally verbal dynamite. But don't worry, Combo CAM ensures a secure festive peace with contemplative Christmas music from all over the world.

Combo CAM is a young concert formation that reinterprets early music while breaking up entrenched concert formats. With the character Doris Meeresbüchner (alias Christine Steuber), who scenically supports the musicians with sensitive comedy, the ensemble plays music of the 17th and 18th centuries from France, Italy, Spain and South America, sometimes in combination with contemporary music. Since 2018, the group has received engagements at various festivals and concert venues, such as the "Innsbrucker Festwochen", and has played at events of the German Cultural Council and the Academy of Sciences, among others.