Aus Liebe zu Händel
Jedes Jahr feiern die Händel-Festspiele das meisterhafte Werk des Musikers und Komponisten.
Die ersten Händel-Feste in Halle gab es bereits im 19. Jahrhundert. 1922 wurden Händels Opern bei „Halleschen Händelfesten“ wiederentdeckt, und seit 1952 finden die Händel-Festspiele regelmäßig einmal jährlich statt – zu Ehren Händels, der in Halle geboren wurde und hier die ihn prägenden ersten Jahrzehnte verbrachte, sowie zu Ehren seiner großartigen Musik.
Handel House Foundation mourns the loss of Director Dr Bernd Feuchtner
It was with dismay and sadness that we, the staff of the Handel House Foundation, learned of the sudden death of our director Dr Bernd Feuchtner. Dr Feuchtner could look back on a long career as a music critic, editor, dramaturge and opera director and held numerous teaching positions at important universities and institutes in Germany and abroad. He made a particular contribution to the perception of the work of Dimitri Shostakovich, on which he published several groundbreaking books. In May 2023, he was appointed Director of the Handel Festival in Halle and, in the following year, Director of the Handel House Foundation. He successfully led the foundation through a period characterised by change and uncertainty. As Artistic Director of the Handel Festival, he set artistic accents. He was particularly keen to open up the festival to new approaches and to involve Halle's creative artists. The staff team will remember him above all for his sociable manner, his appreciative collegiality and his enthusiasm for George Frideric Handel. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family.
Your ticket to the Handel Festival 2025
Order your tickets conveniently online, in writing, by telephone or purchase them directly at the nationwide advance booking offices.
You can find an overview of all ticket purchase options here: