Baroque Lounge I: Light the Earth
Improvisations on G. F. Handel, Jean de la Fontaine, Michel Lambert, Michel Godard

Soloists: Antje Rux (soprano), Michel Godard (serpent/basse/direction musicale), Airelle Besson (trompette jazz), Atsushi Sakai (viole de gambe), Bruno Helstoffer (luth)
A co-production with the Göttingen International Handel Festival
20 €
15 € students
“Light the Earth” – this quotation from the Bible story of Genesis according to which God lights up the world is the motto bannering the first Baroque Lounge of this year’s Handel Festival. How it will sound not even the musicians know yet, as they will exclusively be improvising. Together with three other musicians, Michel Godard will be referencing music from Handel’s operas and oratorios, as well as a composition by the French Baroque composer, Michel Lambert. In between, you can hear verses by Jean de la Fontaine in combination with one of the best-known Baroque models for variations, the Folia d‘Espagne. An exciting evening also featuring works by Michel Godard himself.