Opera by G. F. Händel / In Italian with German subtitles
Musical direction: Laurence Cummings
Staging: Walter Sutcliffe
Soloists: Ki-Hyun Park (Claudio), Romelia Lichtenstein (Agrippina), Leandro Marziotte (Nerone), Vanessa Waldhart (Poppea), Christopher Ainslie (Ottone), Michael Zehe (Lesbo) / Händelfestspielorchester Halle
Production of the Halle Opera as part of the Handel Festival / Organizer: Theater, Oper und Orchester GmbH Halle
85 / 75/ 60 / 45 / 35 €
With the fifth new production of Handel’s Agrippina in the history of Halle Opera, two world stars will be making their first appearance at the Handel Festival on the Saale: the British conductor Laurence Cummings, formerly director of the Handel Festivals in London and Göttingen and today music director at the Academy of Ancient Music London, and the Serbian scenic designer Aleksandar Denić, known for his powerful graphic creations for Emir Kusturica and Frank Castorf. Together with Walter Sutcliffe, they are creating a vibrant new perspective on Handel’s youthful work. Romelia Lichtenstein leads an international cast of prominent guest singers and ensemble members. This melodious comedy of oversized egos in a dysfunctional First Family gave the 24-year-old composer his breakthrough. It shows a society driven by greed for power, vanity, cunning and stupidity in a complex plot with numerous, fortuitous reversals of situation.