| Goethe Theatre Bad Lauchstädt

Terpsicore - The Queen Dances!

Contemporary dance explores the baroque (new production)

G. F. Händel: Terpsicore HWV 8b und Musik aus Opern von J.-P. Rameau 

Musical director: Wolfgang Katschner

Stage director: Emanuele Soavi

Soloists: Hanna Herfurtner (Sopran), Alice Lackner (Mezzosopran) // lautten compagney BERLIN

In Koproduktion mit der Emanuele Soavi Incompany Köln und der lautten compagney BERLIN

In Verbindung mit einem Pädagogikprojekt der Goethe-Schule Bad Lauchstädt

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Ostdeutschen Sparkassenstiftung gemeinsam mit der Saalesparkasse

Ticket Preise:

80, 65, 30

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Handel’s ballet Terpsicore was written in 1734 as the prologue to the third version of Il Pastor fido, to present the celebrated French dancer, Marie Sallé, to the London audiences. With her emancipated performance Sallé cocked a snook at the rigid world of men: no longer was the dancing king the centre of attention; instead, a woman revealed the revolutionary potential of the dancing body. So what has that got to do with the stereotyped forms of expression that every era, including the present one, sets and sells as standard? Soavi seeks the answers: Terpsicore celebrates dance and music, unites them in a glorious performance with modern relevance and leaves scope for the conflict of emotion and aesthetics, for irony, sarcasm and a socio-critical perspective.

Tickets entitle you to free admission to the permanent exhibitions “Neues Schillerhaus” (New Schiller House) and “Badegeschichte im Douche Pavillon” (History of Spa in the Douche Pavilion) two hours before the start of the event.

 By coach from Halle Hallmarkt (109) 13.30 Uhr //  Return by coach to Halle Hallmarkt (209) // 15 minutes after performance ends // Coach fare €8 each way, number of seats limited – tickets must be bought in advance with concert tickets