| Handel House

Endless beauties - International Academic Conference

George Frideric Handel and French Music Culture

International Academic Conference

Organised by: Institut für Musik, Medien- und Sprechwissenschaften, Abteilung Musikwissenschaft, der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg gemeinsam mit der Stiftung Händel-Haus und der Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gesellschaft e. V.

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If Mémoires d’un Musicien, written in 1756, is to be believed, in his library George Frideric Handel kept numerous volumes of operas by Jean-Baptiste Lully, André Campra, Jean-Marie Leclair and Jean-Philippe Rameau, including the latter’s harpsichord works and treatises on music. And in 1733, Abbé Antoine François Prévost remarked that Handel had “emprunté le fond d’une infinité de belles choses de Lully, et surtout des Cantates Françaises” – reason enough to take a new look at the prerequisites, conditions, scope and significance of the influence of French music on Handel’s work in an academic conference.