| Galgenberg Gorge

Closing Concert and Fireworks Display

Werke von G. F. Händel, J.-B. Lully, C. Gounod, C. Saint-Saëns u. a.

Musical direction: Peter Kopp
Soloists: Sophia Maeno, Mezzosopran; Christopher Sokolowski, Tenor
Staatskapelle Halle //Choir of the Protestant University for Church Music // Vocal Concert Dresden

With the kind support of Hallesche Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH

Ticket Preise:


10 € Children up to 14 years

Einlass ab 19.00 Uhr

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A fireworks display of musical ideas awaits those attending the annual climax of the Handel Festival. Numerous French musicians before and after Handel chose for their works the same immortal material as the master  from Halle. Against the grandiose natural backdrop of the romantic Galgenberg Gorge, these glittering gems of European intellectual exchange come together in a compelling open-air concert. Traditionally, the final, celebratory chord of the festival is sounded by Staatskapelle Halle, and this year they will again be supported by the Choir of the Protestant University of Sacred Music and the Dresden-based chamber choir, Vocal Concert. Under the baton of Peter Kopp, professor of Choral and Orchestral Conducting at the Protestant University, they will present a gala programme full of emotional depth, sparkling lightness and fiery climaxes.