Smart through the Handel House

Exciting and age-appropriate guided tours through the world of Handel. In small or large groups and customised to your wishes. Special requests are also welcome...

Historical musical instruments

What did music sound like in the Baroque era? When did music automatons appear? This exhibition shows countless historical musical instruments, valuable and...

Handel House Foundation mourns the loss of Director Dr Bernd Feuchtner

It was with dismay and sadness that we, the staff of the Handel House Foundation, learned of the sudden death of our director Dr Bernd Feuchtner. Dr Feuchtner could look back on a long career as a music critic, editor, dramaturge and opera director and also held several chairs in Germany and abroad. He made a particular contribution to the perception of the work of Dimitri Shostakovich, on which he published several groundbreaking books.  In May 2023, he was appointed Director of the Handel Festival in Halle and, in the following year, Director of the Handel House Foundation. He successfully led the foundation through a period characterised by change and uncertainty. As Artistic Director of the Handel Festival, he set artistic accents. He was particularly keen to open up the festival to new approaches and to involve Halle's creative artists. The staff team will remember him above all for his sociable manner, his appreciative collegiality and his enthusiasm for George Frideric Handel. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family.

Willkommen, treten Sie ein!

Das Händel-Haus begrüßt Sie herzlich und lädt Sie ein, sich auf den folgenden Seiten auf eine Reise durch das Leben Georg Friedrich Händels zu begeben.

Das Händel-Haus erzählt für die Jahre 1685–1703 die Geschichte der Geburts- und Wohnstätte Georg Friedrich Händels.

Spannende und beeindruckende Dauer- und Sonderausstellungen erwarten Sie.

Handel Festival 2025
Fresh air: The young Handel in Italy

The Handel Festival 2025 will take place from 6 to 15 June 2025.

to the festival

Kommende Veranstaltungen

Im Händel-Haus erwarten Sie regelmäßige spannende und einzigartige Veranstaltungen.


Vom Land der Fjorde und der tausend Seen: Edward Grieg (1843-1914) und Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Dr. habil. Karin Zauft, Halle Ort: Händel-Haus, Kammermusiksaal

Händels Schätze - Musik im Dialog

Halles Händel-Denkmal Vanessa Waldhart (Sopran), Yulia Sokolik (Mezzosopran) Mitglieder des Händelfestspielorchesters Halle: Constanze Karolić (Blockflöten...


Vom Land der Fjorde und der tausend Seen: Edward Grieg (1843-1914) und Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) Dr. habil. Karin Zauft, Halle Ort: Händel-Haus, Kammermusiksaal

Visitor service

Here you can get all the information at a glance that is important for your visit to the Handel House - opening hours, admission prices, accessibility.

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Handel House in Halle
Guided tours of the Handel House

During the guided tours we take you through the two permanent exhibitions "Handel - the European" and the exhibition "Historical Musical Instruments".

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Guided tours of the Handel House